Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty

What is Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery blepharoplasty corrects the changes in the eyelids due to structural reasons, even at a young age, sometimes due to advancing age and/or strenuous lifestyle, and the excess skin that makes the person look more worn than they are. These changes can manifest as bruising, swelling of the lower eyelid (herniation), sagging, loosening and bagging in the upper and lower eyelid, an increase in wrinkles and down toward sagging of the eye edges. Due to these changes people may look older, tired and exhausted. In addition, excessive laxity and sagging of the upper eyelid can cause a decrease of the visual field by narrowing the eye opening. E xcessive relaxation of the lower eyelid causes an external return of the lower eyelid, called ectropion. This is a very ugly image but also causes discomfort and bloodshot eyes. In such cases, blepharoplasty surgery is inevitable.

You can get very good results with this operation, it is up to the plastic surgeon which methods are used but the basic is the same; a layer of skin and muscle from the upper eyelid in a shuttle form will be removed and the skin will be tightened. According to the needs of the patient the doctor may remove some of the fat in the eye socket. When finished the the incision will not be visible while it is sited in the eyelid fold. The lower eyelid will be entered underneath the eyelashes, excess muscle, orbital fat and skin are removed. If necessary, the muscle layer will be reinforced to correct the bagging. If ectropion increase is present, a wedge-shaped part lower eyelid will be removed and tightness is provided.

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The bandage and dressing in the postoperative period allows the patient, although a limited area, vision. A  bag of ice needs to be applied on  the eyes, to prevent swelling and bruising, for at least 24 hours. The bandages will be opened the next day. The patient can return to a not to active daily life. Swelling and bruising of the eyelid can continue 5-7 days, depending on the person’s occupation it is advisable to rest this time. After this time the stitches are removed and the patient can return to active life.

It is very important that the patient stops smoking and using drugs such as aspirin and other blood diluting drugs for at least 7 days before the operation. These restrictions should continue for at least 7 days after surgery. Otherwise the wound healing will be impaired.

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