Breast Augmentation

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is to increase the breast volume by breast implants placed under the breast tissue.

Today, as an alternative to breast implants filler injections and fat injections are available. It is recommended to get information about these procedures before undergoing the surgery. The breast tissue is one of the most special tissues in our body. Every women should undergo a breast ultrasound or a mammogram every six months after the age of 35. Such innocent procedures, described as without surgery, may look advantageous but may lead to fibrosis, structural changes in the breast tissue and calcification. When we take into consideration that the risk of breast cancer is the illness of our century, these images can affect your life and comfort. The aim is to provide growth by supporting the breast without touching the tissue. This is provided by breast implants.

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One of the most preferred and the most promising plastic surgery operations by women is breast augmentation surgery by silicones. The breasts can shrink by pregnancy, lactation, aging or it can be of sufficient size due to growth deficiency. In such cases, breast augmentation attempts can make the breasts look fuller, bigger, and a more aesthetically nice-looking breasts. This processing can be done properly with silicone breast implants.

It is determined by a number of foreign scientific researches that breast prosthesis does not cause cancer. In this study patients were followed for a long time, for 20-30 years and it has been shown that breast implants does not increase breast cancer compared with normal women. These prostheses do not cause allergic reactions and have no toxic effects. They are extremely safe. Breast augmentation surgery does not interfere with becoming pregnant and breastfeeding.
Ask your doctor to hold an breast prothese to see how it feels like before the operation. It will give you an idea.

Keep in mind that how big the breasts will be depends on the implants. It does not mean that everyone who undergo’s this surgery will have large breasts. The prosthesis seize will be determined by your height, width of your shoulder, your breast base width, your breast sagging and the size of your request.

The outer surface of the silicone prosthesis are very durable to external shocks from outside. It is a rare occurrence that the prosthesis tears. In such situation the prosthesis should be removed or replaced.
There are several surgical approaches used in breast augmentation. The most commonly used technique, the incision is made on the breast that gets light in the region of the breast bottom of the rib cage or the areola incision made around the nipple (areola), a half circle along the bottom border. More rarely used is the axillary incision made under the armpit. The incision’s place will be decided depending on the doctor’s opinion, the patient’s wishes and the type of prosthesis to be used.

It is difficult for patients to describe the size of breasts they want to achieve in applying the breast augmentation surgery. Often, they mention the bra number they want. A detailed examination, your body measurements are essential to understand your requirements and to choose the prosthesis size that suit your own body size. Several sizes of prosthesis in multiple dimensions may be considered, especially before the surgery. Trial measurements made with the so-called “sizer” prosthesis can give an idea for the right size.

Surgery is done with general anesthesia in the operating room at hospital conditions. It takes about 1 hour. The postoperative healing will be comfortable. The pain is very small. If the prosthesis is placed under the arm muscles, the movement restriction may take a few days. The patients can return to work within 3-4 days. It is recommended to keep away from heavy sports for 3 months.
Aesthetic breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular within women, where we receive satisfactory immediate results. Breast implants do not require changing unless there is a deformity of the breast.

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