Even the skinny women complain the most about the inner part of the legs. Because they complain from rubbing together in this region during walking. If there is no sagging or cracking in this area and the skin quality is good, you can permanently get rid of this problem with fat absorption process called liposuction. However, if the skin sags and cracks, the thigh stretching procedure will need to be applied together with liposuction.
Thigh lift surgery is applied by hiding scars in the groin fold. In some individuals pick up and stretching process may be inadequate. Therefore, as in the arm lift procedure in some patients, in addition to the scar in fold of the groin, there can be a scar added in the form of a straight line track within the strings in the right thigh. But this scar is not made with each patient.
Surgery can be done with sedation and general anesthesia, it takes about 1-2 hours. It is a comfortable and painless operation. 1 night hospital stay after surgery is required. A limitation of movement is receommended the first 10 days. An use of a fitting corset is required, 3 weeks after surgery. The use of healing creams is needed, it is allowed to take a bath after the second control. 80% of the healing is completed in the first 1 month, but the eventual recovery will take 6 months.
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